Artist of the Month

Cj has lived at Belong since the origin of Belong Art Community. Cj is a Jamaican-American writer and illustrator, and a DSP at Belong. CJ likes writing poems and stories based on folklore and fairytales and their favorite things to draw are trees, leaves, people, hair, and costumes.

Why do you make art or what inspires your creativity?

I am neurodivergent, and sometimes I have a difficult time communicating or sharing my personality with others. I draw and write about the characters, feelings, and environments I encounter in my mind, and art helps me to express myself and start conversations with people who are similar to me. I get a lot of my inspiration from taking long walks and listening to music by myself.

What mediums of art you enjoy?

I mostly do traditional black-and-white illustrations, and I just use paper, mechanical pencils, and black Micron markers for these. I also write poetry and fairytale stories, and just for fun, I also sometimes try design layouts, paper crafts, photography, and fashion art.

What do you like the most about Belong?

I like the relaxed personalities of other residents. I feel it is easy to have fun with the people here, and I like making art alongside everybody!