Belong Featured Artist

Cole or “Shermy” took a tour of the Belong apartments before they were even complete and has been at Belong since the opening. Cole is a self-taught artist. Cole also took some painting classes at PCC and Drawing and also took a printmaking class while he was there.

Why do you make art or what inspires your creativity?

Part of it is self-expression and one of my goals is to hopefully eventually become good enough at art to become a graphic designer or work in the movie industry as a designer. I’m inspired by a lot of my favorite shows, I’m also inspired by Marvel Comics.

What mediums of art you enjoy?

I like poetry, writing short stories, writing a lot of screenplays. I also, recently finished up a draft of a musical that we’re in the process of having a reading for. There’s also digital art. Before I got my own tablet—I think it was a friend of my family—someone came to give me a beginner’s lesson on how to use Procreate, and I liked what it allowed me to do in terms of art. I liked especially with Procreate how I have all my art supplies in one place and how easily it is to manipulate my drawing just the way I want it. That’s something that is much harder with physical art. I have really been enjoying putting my art in the Belong Art shows.

What do you like the most about Belong?

I like that there’s a little more opportunity for people to interact here than at my old apartment. I like the sort of emphasis on creativity and music too.